Today we used the Maths learning centre website to compare fractions
we compared 3/8 and 4/10 and 1/3
seeing it this way helped me to easily compare fractions
Today we used the Maths learning centre website to compare fractions
we compared 3/8 and 4/10 and 1/3
seeing it this way helped me to easily compare fractions
In a world-first a New Zealand river has been granted the same legal rights as a human being. The local Māori tribe of Whanganui in the North Island has fought for the recognition of their river – the third-largest in New Zealand – as an ancestor for 140 years. This New Zealand river now has the same legal rights as a human being. The legal personhood of the Whanganui River was instituted as part of the Treaty of Waitangi settlement, one of the longest litigation cases of nearly 150 years. This New Zealand river now has the same legal rights as a human being. To the Maori, indigenous people who live along New Zealand’s Whanganui River, the water isn’t only sacred — it’s part of their being. The community has a saying, “Ko au te awa. Ko te awa ko au.” In English, this means, “I am the river.
Able Tasman was a Dutch explorer who was the first European to discover New Zealand, He named it staten land he sailed around the outskirts of the land and mapped the country.
later, Dutch cartographers renamed it Niew Zealand after the province they came from, Zeeland ( sealand ).
Even later on, a british explorer named captin james cook was the first European to set foot on the land and renamed it New Zealand to anglicise it
kia ora
welcome to my blog
this week we have been learning about forming a band making a name and making t-shirts
Today in music we learned to draw a treble clef
WALT : identify the effects of change in families.
WALT : be aware of the feelings of others and strategies to help others cope.
LI : WALT identify what online bullying is and plan strategies for dealing with it.
i enjoy the toku oranga lessons because i learned that i can easily help other people through tough times
. Cows live in herds- the average herd size for a Moo Zealand farm is 444
. Cows have four stomachs- rumen reticulum omasum abomasum
. The South Island has 29% of New Zealand’s dairy herds
. The North Island has 71% of New Zealand’s dairy herds
. A cow producesiu more than 50 litres of saliva each day!
. Saliva helps cows digest pasture by balancing out the acid in a cows rumen and reducing the risk of bloat
. The average dairy farm size is 155 hectare ( 1 hectare is about the same size as an international rugby field )
. There are 50,000 people employed in the dairy sector to help look after these cows and to help create the milk and dairy products we love.
Hearing the waves crash on the rocks
Seeing the sun shimmer on the sand
Birds soaring through the sky
As the waves reflection shines off the suns radiance
Staring off into the endless sunset
the soft smell of salt
a breath of fresh air
the sky changes from minute to minute
from orange yellow to flamboyant pink,
the clouds painted with changing colours as the sun goes down.
It seems in a hurry to disappear
Slipping quickly behind the line of the horizon spreading its last rays.
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